Saranac Village at Will Rogers
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Downsizing for Seniors: Is It Time for Independent Living?

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For many seniors, independent living offers the beginning of a new chapter in life—a way to enjoy their senior years in comfort and luxury. As such, independent living can be an excellent choice for seniors who want to find a new home in a place that feels just like home. So how can seniors tell if it’s time for independent living?

Independent living is ideal for seniors looking for a simpler and more maintenance-free lifestyle. If you’re tired of the burdens of homeownership and are searching for a community where you can be supported in everything you do, independent living might be the right choice for you.

What Is Independent Living?

If you own a home, you know how stressful home ownership can be. It often seems like the to-do list never ends—you’re constantly dealing with maintenance, utilities, repairs, and more. For many seniors, this can simply be too stressful to be worth the benefits.

This is when independent living starts to become an ideal choice. Independent living is a type of senior living catering to seniors looking for a life free from the burdens of homeownership. In independent living, seniors can move to a community designed to offer a supported, independent lifestyle surrounded by people at a similar stage of their lives.

The Benefits of Independent Living

The goal of independent living is simple—to offer a home where seniors can enjoy seamless access to all kinds of amenities designed to make their everyday lives brighter. Independent living communities offer access to helpful services such as:

  • 3 daily meals
  • Weekly laundry and housekeeping services
  • 24-hour on-site staff
  • Scheduled transportation services to nearby areas
  • Emergency medical support
  • Beautiful common areas

Meanwhile, these communities also offer access to interesting programs and activities to keep things interesting. From fitness classes to social hours and everything in between, independent living offers a way for seniors to enjoy every day doing the things that catch their interest.

Independent living also offers a way for seniors to create meaningful relationships with the people around them. There are plenty of ways to make new friends and create lasting bonds, providing easy access to all kinds of social interactions that can make every day unique. 

When Is It Time for Independent Living?

So how can you tell if it’s time for independent living? Try to keep an eye out for the signals that you’re losing interest in taking care of your own home. Homeownership should offer more benefits than negatives, so if you’re starting to feel like the list of chores is never-ending, it’s likely time for independent living.

Ask yourself:

  • Are you finding home maintenance tasks increasingly overwhelming?
  • Are you looking for a sense of community and more social interaction?
  • Are you looking for a safer living environment with excellent amenities?
  • Would you benefit from having transportation services available?
  • Do you want freedom from the responsibilities of homeownership?

If the answer is a resounding “Yes,” then it might be time to consider independent living. With independent living, you can free yourself from the burdens of constantly taking care of your own home and spend every day doing the things you love. You can downsize your home and simplify your lifestyle to enjoy your senior years in style.

Getting Ready for Independent Living

A senior couple smiling together in their home while researching independent living communities.

If you think independent living is the right choice for you, it’s time to make a plan. Start by assessing your current situation and ask yourself, “What do I need to improve my life?”
Think about factors like:

  • Your desired proximity to family and friends
  • Whether or not you need access to medical support
  • Your preferred activities and interests
  • Your budget and financial capabilities
  • Your desired amenities, activities, and services
  • How much space you need in a future home

Make a list of your priorities to help guide your decision-making process. Then, use this information to start researching potential options.

Independent living communities offer the chance to schedule a tour ahead of time to get a feel for what they offer. Take note of the atmosphere, the offered activities, and the overall feel of the community. If you can, speak with current residents to gain a firsthand experience of what life is like there.

Finally, try to get a floor plan for potential homes. This gives you a rough idea of how much space you’ll have and lets you plan how you’ll lay out the environment. You’ll be able to use this information to learn what belongings you’ll have room for and to what extent you’ll need to downsize.

This way, you’ll be able to have a clear plan for what lies ahead and enjoy a smooth move to your new home. You can never be too prepared!

Making the Move to Independent Living

Independent living can be an excellent decision for seniors, offering a way to enjoy a simpler lifestyle in a place that truly feels like home. And here at Saranac Village, we’re ready to welcome you to your new home. Schedule a tour with us today—your future home awaits!

Written by Saranac Village at Will Rogers

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