Saranac Village at Will Rogers

Engagement with Meaning in Saranac Lake

Schedule a Tour

Keep Every Day Fun and Exciting

2024 Largest 150 ProviderNo matter your interest, we guarantee you can find something that you’ll love to do. Our residents have access to a wide variety of experiences, all aimed at creating rich and joyous lifestyles.

We maintain a vibrant social calendar of events and outings to keep everyday fun and exciting. You’ll be able to pick and choose the activities that you want, spending your time exactly as you see fit.

That’s the All American Way! Experience our community for yourself.

Our Calendar

Calendar coming soon!

Schedule Your Tour Today

Where to find us

Our community is located at the end of Will Rogers Drive. You can access Will Rogers Drive from Lake Flowers Avenue by turning at the Mobil gas station.

Our Address

78 Will Rogers Drive
Saranac Lake, NY 12983

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